現年26歲的英國女演員Florence Pugh曾飾演Marvel電影中《黑寡婦》Natasha的妹妹Yelena Belova而打開知名度。日前,她在羅馬出席Valentino時裝活動時,身穿一件艷粉色透視紗裙,沒穿任何內搭直接曝露胸前兩點,這引發一連串爭議... …
Florence Pugh將當日的照片分享到IG上,旋即引來網民在帖子下留下惡言批評Florence Pugh「平胸」、「有肚腩」、「噁心」等,更轉換概念指如果男性穿著露出下體的衣服會被拘捕,但女性裸露卻被讚揚;又指男性陽具小會被鄙視,為何女性胸部小就能容忍。
對此,Florence Pugh作出反擊,發長文表示:
Florence Pugh還在文末hashtag「#fuckingfreethefuckingnipple」以表心中不滿和她的期望!
Florence Pugh將當日的照片分享到IG上,旋即引來網民在帖子下留下惡言批評Florence Pugh「平胸」、「有肚腩」、「噁心」等,更轉換概念指如果男性穿著露出下體的衣服會被拘捕,但女性裸露卻被讚揚;又指男性陽具小會被鄙視,為何女性胸部小就能容忍。
對此,Florence Pugh作出反擊,發長文表示:
引用聽著,當我穿上那件令人難以置信的Valentino 連衣裙時,我就知道不可能沒有評論。無論是消極的還是積極的,我們都知道我們在做什麼。
有趣的是,男人可以很容易地公開、自豪地摧毀女性的身體,並讓每個人都看到。你甚至在你的IG簡歷中寫上了你的職位和工作電子郵件... ...?
更令人擔憂的是… …為什麼你那麼害怕乳房?小的?大的?左邊?右邊?只有一個?或者沒有?
這讓我想知道你經歷了甚麼,令你要如此大聲地對我的胸部和身體的大小訴說不安... ...?
而這一切都是因為兩個可愛的小乳頭... ...
(Listen, I knew when I wore that incredible Valentino dress that there was no way there wouldn’t be a commentary on it. Whether it be negative or positive, we all knew what we were doing.
I was excited to wear it, not a wink of me was nervous. I wasn’t before, during or even now after.
What’s been interesting to watch and witness is just how easy it is for men to totally destroy a woman’s body, publicly, proudly, for everyone to see. You even do it with your job titles and work emails in your bio..?
It isn’t the first time and certainly won’t be the last time a woman will hear what’s wrong with her body by a crowd of strangers, what’s worrying is just how vulgar some of you men can be.
Thankfully, I’ve come to terms with the intricacies of my body that make me, me. I’m happy with all of the ‘flaws’ that I couldn’t bear to look at when I was 14. So many of you wanted to aggressively let me know how disappointed you were by my ‘tiny tits’, or how I should be embarrassed by being so ‘flat chested’.
I’ve lived in my body for a long time. I’m fully aware of my breast size and am not scared of it.
What’s more concerning is…. Why are you so scared of breasts? Small? Large? Left? Right? Only one? Maybe none?
What. Is. So. Terrifying.
It makes me wonder what happened to you to be so content on being so loudly upset by the size of my boobs and body..?
I’m very grateful that I grew up in a household with very strong, powerful, curvy women. We were raised to find power in the creases of our body. To be loud about being comfortable. It has always been my mission in this industry to say ‘fuck it and fuck that’ whenever anyone expects my body to morph into an opinion of what’s hot or sexually attractive. I wore that dress because I know.
If being loudly abusive towards women publicly in 2022 is so easy for you, then the answer is that it is you who doesn’t know.
Grow up. Respect people. Respect bodies. Respect all women. Respect humans. Life will get a whole lot easier, I promise.
And all because of two cute little nipples….)![]()
Florence Pugh還在文末hashtag「#fuckingfreethefuckingnipple」以表心中不滿和她的期望!
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