兩個月前,《星球大戰:原力覺醒》(Star Wars: The Force Awakens)導演J.J.Abrams的「神秘盒子」再一次令全球影迷震驚:在幾乎沒有人知道這部電影存在的情況下,片商發放了《末世街10號》(10 Cloverfield Lane)的預告片。兩個月來,坊間傳出不同的說法,討論它是否2008年《末世凶煞》(Cloverfield)的續集。最近,電影的監製J.J.Abrams終於作出了進一步的回應。
圖片來源: Monkeys Fighting Robots
圖片來源: Entertainment Weekly
Entertainment Weekly
圖片來源: Monkeys Fighting Robots
引用There is a monster in this movie. It’s not the monster you expect, but there is a monster. The thing that I will say about anyone who is going to it expecting to see literally Cloverfield 2, those characters and that monster are not in this movie, but there are other characters and other monsters. It’s a very different story, but it is a spiritual successor to that movie. What I hope is that they will be satisfied by wanting to see something that is not of this natural Earth and not necessarily something that you would expect, and I hope that what they find gives them that fix, that thrill that I think they might be looking for in a literal Cloverfield 2 movie. (這部電影裡的確有一隻怪物。它不是大家期待的那一隻怪物,但這裡確實有一隻怪物。如果大家在期待看《末世凶煞》直接的續集,我可以告訴大家:那些角色和怪物並不在《末世街10號》裡,電影中有其他角色和怪獸。這是一個非常不同的故事,但它延續了《末世凶煞》精神和感覺。假若他們期望看一些不是來自地球的生物,以及一些他們沒有預期會看到的東西,我希望他們會感到滿意。我真的希望他們在《末世街10號》中,能找到他們預期在《末世凶煞》直接的續集裡所感受的定位和刺激感覺。
引用I was always surprised at how frequently people would talk about Cloverfield. But we’re in a post-Godzilla, post-Pacific Rim time. Doing a giant kaiju monster movie needs to have a really great reason to exist, otherwise it becomes just another version of the thing we’ve all seen. We talked about it quite a bit, but nothing presented itself that demands it get made. (人們這樣頻繁地談及《末世凶煞》,常常使我十分意外。但是,在這個有《哥斯拉》電影和《悍戰太平洋》電影的時代,我們真的要有一個很好的理由,才可以拍一部怪獸電影。否則,我們就只是為我們所看過的東西,重新拍另一個版本。我們過往曾經討論過《末世凶煞》續集,但它們仍然未能滿足我們的要求。
引用It just became clear that as we were working on the movie, this could be something that is not the sequel that anyone might expect. It’s not the continuation of the story that people might think of, but it was so clearly associated. There was such a clear Venn diagram of these two things, it felt like if we were literal about connections to the first movie but in no way that people might expect us to be, it could be it’s own thing. We very intentionally didn’t call this movie Cloverfield 2, but we realized that there was enough of a connection, and the movie was good enough that it warranted this association in a way that we think is justified and exciting. (我們製作這部電影時,很清楚這部電影並不是人們所期待的續集。它並不會延續大家所想的那個故事,但這兩部電影有著清晰的聯繫。我們可以用一幅文氏圖來講述兩者的關係,但假若我們如實地講述它們兩者的關係,人們不可能預計得到。它可以成為一個獨立的故事。我們是非常有目的地不叫這部電影《末世凶煞2》,但我們發現這裡有足夠的聯繫,而且我們覺得這電影的質素好得能以一個信服和令人興奮的方式來證明兩者的聯繫。
圖片來源: Entertainment Weekly
引用I think that would be presumptuous, because we’re talking about this movie and comparing it to Cloverfield, but I would be lying if I didn’t say there was something else that, if we’re lucky enough to do it, could be really cool that connects some stories.
Entertainment Weekly
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