為了Martin Scorsese新戲《沉默》,Liam Neeson大減20磅!?還有上任蜘蛛俠Andrew Garfield!!

電影情報站 於 17/11/2015 發表 收藏文章
自2014年《華爾街狼人》(The Wolf of Wall Street)後,導演Martin Scorsese就一直努力製作下一部電影《沉默》(Silence)了。最近,電影終於發放最新的照片和資料!!
《沉默》改編自1966年由遠藤周作(Shūsaku Endō)所寫的同名日本小說,講述兩位基督教傳教士(Andrew Garfield和Adam Driver飾)飄洋過海到日本調查有關宗教迫害的舉報,以及有關他們的導師(Liam Neeson飾)背棄教會的傳聞。電影正在後期製作、剪接階段,希望趕及參與16的的康城影展,並於16年下半年公開上映。

今年5月,在接受美國娛樂雜誌Entertainment Weekly的訪問時,導演Martin Scorsese透露,他早在25年前已經想把這本小說改編成電影:
引用The subject matter presented by Shusaku Endo was in my life since I was very, very young. I was very much involved in religion, I was raised in a strong Catholic family. … Further reflection is how [we] want to lead our life in the Christian faith … so ultimately this book drew my attention when it was given to me in 1988.

引用I’m known for making films that are urban, that take place mainly in apartments, hotels, bars, churches, that sort of thing, for the most part, so for me to be able to sit and watch a scene and hear the nature around me, the bird calls, the animals, which set the time, which set the clock of life in a way, the real pace of life, not the crazy one with all our gadgets, this has been an immersion into another world and it’s something that I’m just blessed to have experienced.

而繼《紐約風雲》(Gangs of New York)後,再與Martin Scorsese合作的Liam Neeson亦對這次台灣拍攝之旅十分深刻,因為他們途中經歷了一次6.1級大地震,似乎非常動魄驚心。在接受訪問時,他亦指出,導演希望他們看起來瘦削,因此他為這角色大減了20磅,而曾做過海軍的Adam Driver(《星球大戰:原力覺醒》Star Wars: The Force Awakens的大奸角Kylo Ren)更一如既往地徹底完成導演的要求,瘦得像剛從集中營中出來。
引用Being raised an Irish Catholic myself, the subject of faith and Catholicism struck very deeply home. The question in the film is: Is there a god? We’re all in some way asking ourselves that all the time. What is the purpose of life? What is faith? Why have faith? Why do we wake up in the morning and get out of bed? It’s as basic as that and the film asks all these questions and dramatizes them in a very exceptional way.
(在一個愛爾蘭天主教家庭中長大,有關信仰和天主教的主題深深吸引了我。這部電影問了一個問題:這世上究竟有沒有一位神存在?我們一直都在以不同的方式向自己問同一條問題。人生的意義是什麼?為何要有信仰?我們每天早上醒來、起床的意義是什麼? 它們看起來簡單,但這部電影用了非常出色的手法來問這些問題,並把它們戲劇化。)

除了Liam Neeson的照片外,美國娛樂雜誌Entertainment Weekly5月時亦發放過首張上一任「蜘蛛俠」Andrew Garfield在電影中的照片。
It’s a lifetime that the character of father Rodrigues goes through that we witness. It’s such an agonizing lifetime that he has to live through and yet he wrestles with the greatest and most important and difficult questions that we all wrestle with, which is how to live and how does one live a life of meaning, a life of faith, and does that require you to live in doubt as well? That’s just scratching the surface of why I felt drawn to this story and this character.

作為電影大師Martin Scorsese的影迷,《沉默》是編者在2016年其中一部最期待的電影啊!看來它將會是一部很有啟發性的電影,真的很期待在大銀幕上看到這部作品!


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